Kickstart your next adventure with Razor

IN THE BEGINNING… There was the ordinary scooter. So boring, even the beloved red wagon threw it shade. But its moment to shine finally came in the year 2000, when the team at Razor determined to craft a cutting-edge ride that would become the benchmark of all that followed. With some genius engineering and a keen eye for design, we transformed grandma’s scooter into the hottest thing to hit the sidewalk since concrete: The Razor A Kick Scooter…The one that started it all.
We literally reinvented the wheel. The A Kick Scooter instantly became a global phenomenon, capturing the imaginations of generations young and old. Kids loved it. Parents trusted it. Big brothers wanted to “borrow” it.
But the fun didn’t stop there. We’ve continued to build on our reputation for quality and innovation, as we’ve reimagined outdoor play for millions of kids and adults. From kick scooters to electric bikes, from hoverboards to turbo-powered heel wheels; at Razor we believe in riding for thrills, riding with joy, and more importantly riding with friends and family. Check out our best-selling product selections below!